Programme 2: Starting Afresh
You are seeking to introduce a new Performance Management process to your business. This may be because the existing system is not achieving the results you desire, or because you have not previously had such a process in place. You are seeking a partner to help you develop an appropriate process, with suitable training for managers and on-going support.
The results you are seeking include:
- A practical process which supports managers in managing the performance of their staff without feeling onerous or time-consuming
- Managers who have the relevant skills to guide, develop and review the work of their teams and create high performance
- Managers who feel confident to have difficult conversations in a timely fashion
- Improved levels of motivation across the business
Outline of the programme:
- Performance planning - a kick-off meeting to review how performance is currently managed (either formally or informally) in your business including what works well and what works less well and then a focus on what results you want to achieve.
- Process design – a Performance Management process and supporting documentation is designed with you. Once signed off, the process launch is agreed and training tailored accordingly.
Programme delivery – which includes:
- On-line learning – enabling participants to work at their own pace through four modules covering the key stages of performance management namely setting objectives, identifying learning and development needs, reviewing performance and giving feedback, and rewarding and recognising performance. An additional module on ‘An Introduction to Performance Management’ sets the scene and explains just why managing the performance of staff is vital if businesses are to succeed.
- A face to face workshop that focuses on developing the leader’s mind-set; skill building through real-play; knowing how to deal with challenging situations and behaviour; and developing motivation skills for managers.
- Access to an online forum to share ideas and results, and have questions answered by the programme directors.
Aimed at:
Businesses who are seeking to introduce a new Performance Management programme including providing training to their managers
Upgrades available:
- Bespoke on-line learning modules e.g. to outline your Performance Management Process or provide key messages from sponsors to the programme
- 1:1 coaching
- Access to our Motivating for High Performance programme
- Access to our Insights Discovery® Personal Effectiveness programme